Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fried Chicken

What's more "dude food" than fried chicken?
Major food chains such as KFC, Popeyes, and Roy Rogers all have carved a place into the American Fried Chicken hall of fame. And if there isn't such a place, there ought to be.

I want to talk about Chicken Wings as well, but that's like a totally different ball game all together.

Fried chicken is awesome and people should just eat more of it. (sidenote - I'm a stickler for humanely raised birds. The Purdues and Tysons out there can go to hell. Imagine how good an organic raised fried chicken would be?) Sure, it's fatty and probably not the healthiest thing out there to consume. But can you think of anything that can replicate the joy you get when you bite into a nice juicy thigh from your favorite Fried Chicken joint? It's glorious!

I'm getting so excited just writing about this right now. I wish there was a fried chicken delivery service out there. Or better yet, instead of an IceCream truck, a Fried Chicken truck. Boy wouldn't that be awesome?!

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