Thursday, September 6, 2007

Being an Adult

Do you remember way back in your childhood, when you asked your mother if you could have some ice cream before dinner?
I don't know why, but moms across the nation would get pissed off and end their little lecture with a "when you're an adult, you can spoil your dinner whenever you want..."
Well we are adults now and I have to say, it's great.
I can order what ever I want. I can eat as little or as much veggies as I choose. And I can have a Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake for breakfast while on my way to work if I wanted.

So last night, I met up a friend for a late dinner over at my "go-to" eatery. Lan Restaurant.
I was in the mood for Sushi so I paroozed through the sushi menu.
Nothing sprang up. The preselected sushi orders just wasn't doing it for me. So I took the liberty of ordering A La Carte. I haven't done this in years. And boy, is it the best.
You only get the stuff you really really like.
We ordered our sushi and got to that happy place where we are slouching in our seats, savoring the quickly devoured meal and thinking... can we eat more?

We ended up sharing a ribeye steak, some veggies, and some chicken skewers. Yes, we pretty much had 2 dinners at the same seating.
Sick to some, heaven to others. We fall under the latter.

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