Tuesday, August 7, 2007


My wife and I had gone to L'atelier Robuchon a few months ago with some friends for lunch.
It was very good but wasn't magical. Perhaps it's a little unfair to expect a restaurant to produce a "magical" meal because first of all, magic doesn't exist. And second of all, how would you like it if somebody you didn't know put that kind of pressure on you at work. 'nouf said...
Well, I learned a new word Friday. "Redemption"!
My parents were in town last week and said they wanted a good meal in the city.
I asked my colleague if she had any recommendations and the first answer out of her mouth was Robuchon. It just made sense. I called up the chef and booked a table for that friday.
And boy am I glad we went there. It was the best French dinner I have ever had in my life. Absolutely perfect execution on every dish.
It's an understatement when I say I love Foie Gras, Squab, Quail, Lobster, Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Souffle, Baba. So when they all came out, one by one from the kitchen, like floats for the Macy's Day parade, I was in heaven. For all I knew, I was the Grand Marshal.
It was absolutely perfection after perfection. Wow!


Athos said...

(ahem) The word was used on this blog already. =]


Anonymous said...

i was aware of the overlap.
but the word was just so fitting.