What a way to cap off the summer of 2008!

We got our piggy from D'Artagnan. A premier meats company specializing in animals raised with impeccable husbandry.
The suckling pig was probably slaughtered no more than 4 days before we got her.
The eyes were clear, the blood was still beautifully red, and the kidneys were nice and firm.

Can't ask for anything more. When your basic ingredients are pristine, you are bound to rock out a great dish.
So here were the steps to glory...
Clean out and de-hair (burn off excess) the piggy.
The belly was sliced open and the innards were removed and cleaned.
We seasoned and stuffed the stomach cavity with :
- 1 Pound of Chorizo
- 5 Halved Apricots
- Hand full of Herbs (Basil, Thyme, Rosemary)
- 2 Heads of Garlic
With butcher's twine, we sewed up the stomach, buttered and seasoned the outside.
Followed by inserting the rotisserie spit running parallel to the vertebrae.
Then tied the legs down so that there was enough clearing space on the grill for it to rotate, naturally basting itself.
We set the rotisserie ON, and the rest of the grill flames down to low.
Set it and forget it. From here on, you just let it dot it's thang.
The covered grill/rotisserie was humming away at about 250 - 280 degrees F.
150 minutes later... we had a wonderfully roasted suckling pig on our hands.

Wow, so glad to find this!! So, did you use fresh chorizo? And what did you rub the exterior with?
Yes, fresh chorizo split lengthwise.
We buttered the outside and just seasoned with salt and pepper.
Nothing too intricate.
Keeping it simple.
How big was that pig? I'm trying to work out how big I need to go and keep it so it fits on the BBQ.
Yours looks awesome by the way.
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