Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sorry Mom

I'm pretty sure mom isn't reading this...
But if you are... Sorry for being a totally gross little boy.

There's plenty to be said about etiquette and manors. One can stroll down to your local Barnes and Noble and pick up 10 books on being a well polished, polite social being.
Well, I want to talk about being the direct opposite right now.

What is it about Burping (or even better, Beltching) that's so satisfying?
Just think about it for a moment. And if you are having a hard time understanding what I mean, go chug a can of diet coke, then flex your abs to induce a beltch.

I just chugged the remaining half of my HeySong Sarsparilla soda and I gotta say, I may have enjoyed my beltch more than the drink itself.
I could use adjectives such as, fun, refreshing, enlightening, happy, relieving, to describe how I feel right now.
It was nothing short of AWESOME!

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