Saturday, December 8, 2007

15 min Dinners

It's finally winter here in NYC, and going out to eat is becoming more of a task.
Dealing with the blistering cold, plus the holiday traffic is such a nightmare.
Therefore, what better time to cook at home than now.

Kobe Beef with Dashi Flavored Onions On Rice

Here's how I prepare this dish:
Let the beef rest in room temperature for 15 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper and sear for 1 minute on each side.
Take off heat and let rest.
Sautee sliced onions and garlic till translucent and deglaze with 3 T of dashi-tsuyu.
Reduce and remove from heat.
Get a bowl of hot white rice and arrange onions on top. Then slice Kobe beef to bite sized slices and place on top of onions and rice. Serve immediately.

For those of you who have never tried Kobe beef, it's quite possibly the most delicious meat out there. It's tender, juicy and tremendously flavorful. A must have!

Part II of my 15 min Dinners this weekend were quesadillas.
Right before popping Ratatouille into the DVD player, my wife says she wants some finger foods.
I look in the fridge and came up with my variation of Mexicano a la minuto.
Smoked Duck Quesadillas with Homemade Salsa to be exact.
I had some D'Artagnan smoked magret laying around. So I thought it would go great warmed up in between flour tortillas, taco cheese, and my homemade salsa.
I was right, these came out fantastic and my wife wolfed down 4 of these in no time.

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