Thursday, May 29, 2008


2 weeks ago, my coworker IMed me a link to the NY Times. It was about a food I haven't heard of, and my guess is most of the readers here have not, either - Koolickles. Quite simple, actually: Kool-Aid + Pickles = Koolickles.

No really, there is such a thing. I Google'd it and found puh-lenty of hits.

W said he heard an interview on DC101 with Alton Brown and how he discovered it as he was filming his show Feasting on Asphalt 2: The River Run. As they say, “when in Rome…” and being in D.C., this the South. Perhaps it’s not the Mississippi Delta, but when you hear “yall” three times within 15 minutes in a conference call, that’s confirmation enough for me. So, we did as Romans do and ate Koolickles.

W followed the article and went to work. As it describes:

You pull the pickles from the jar, cut them in halves, make double-strength Kool-Aid, add a pound of sugar, shake and let it sit — best in the refrigerator — for about a week.

Cherry was the flavor for the experiment.

2 weeks later and here we are. We fished out a couple, and the first thing you notice is how red the insides are. The initial bite was the familiar taste and texture of a pickle, but the Kool-Aid quickly inundates you. Another 2 seconds of chewing, and everything evens out nicely. We look at each other and think “not bad.” I dig in and grab another ½ spear. I really dislike sweet pickles, and this was nothing of the sort. It was more reminiscent of a sweet relish or a mango salsa. Basically, you think about how things wouldn’t go together, but after eating it, it actually made sense. Though you wouldn’t see me eating it with a hot dog from Best’s Kosher, I wouldn’t mind heading to the office refrigerator and chomping on one. It’s the strange gleams from the eyes of other coworkers and their shudder that you need to worry about.

Sorry for the bad quality phone-cam pix, but it’s better than nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this kinda opens up doors to many pickling root vegetables.

that color is a bit much though.