Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Part I : Sushi Yasuda

I have always read Chef Yasuda is a Tuna (Maguro) freak, so I asked if it was possible to try a Tuna Flight. He smiled and said no problem.
Aramis arrived shortly after my little conspiracy and as he sat down, the first nigiri was placed in front of him. 20 pieces and 2 rolls later, we stumbled out of the place with a huge grin on our faces.

Tuna : Akami ***
Tuna : Akami (near backbone) **
Tuna : Akami (near dorsal fin)
Tuna : ChuToro ***
Tuna : Toro (stomach) ***
Tuna : Toro (tail section) ***
Uni : Maine *
Uni : Santa Barbara *
Oyster : Washington (huge) **
Oyster Liver : Washington **
Geoduck : Base ***
Geoduck : Neck **
Mackerel : Slightly Torched ***
Mackerel : Gen Saba ***
Mackerel : Vinegared *
Snapper : Madai *
Engawa *
Kohada : Gizzard Shad ***
Anago : Shio *
Anago : Tare **
Mackerel Roll : w/Shiso and Ginger ***
Negi Toro Cigar ***

I've noticed many times, when you dine at the hands of masters, you will always learn something new about them each and every time.
On this trip, the experience of the flight of Tuna sticks in my mind vividly.
Each piece, being different texturally, visually, taste wise, was prepared with a different hardness in the rice.
The Akami was accompanied with a harder nigiri while the more fattier cuts were prepared softer respectively.

Every piece served that night was special. Aramis made a great observation saying, "...only here, at Yasuda, is every bite, every piece of fish uniquely special. They all have their own personality and characteristic that is not found elsewhere..."
Pretty powerful stuff.

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