Sunday, October 18, 2009


I love a great crepe but here in the US, it's close to impossible finding a great crepe joint.
I've looked everywhere, but people who make crepes here are usually idiots with absolutely no clue what it takes to achieve that super thin pastry like wonder.
The French can do it... why can't we?! Argh!
So what's the next best thing than flying to France? Montreal!

I had a total of 3 crepes during my 3 day stay in Montreal.
And although better than what I've had in the States, it still doesn't compare to Paris.
What the f does a guy have to do to get a real crepe around here?

The first crepe on the right is Savory Crepe. Bechamel with Ham and Cheese. I'll give it a 5/10.

The next crepe is a Nutella Filled sweet crepe. I'll give this a 6/10

And finally the last crepe is another Bechamel filled Ham and Cheese Crepe.
But this one had a hint of Nutmeg mixed into the crepe batter. I'll give this one a 7/10. Nothing really blew my socks out of the water but I guess I have to tip my hat off to the mainland Frenchies... They really know how to make an f'n good crepe.

1 comment:

Athos said...

That 1st picture looks like a pig's snout