If you're a fan of Cheesecakes like I am, Target may be your new best friend. I've always liked Target, but today, she's been promoted up a few knotches to my new BFF.
It's great, cause when I now crave a great cheesecake, I no longer need to hunt down a Junior's or even Artisanal Cheeses for a killer New York style cheesecake. Archer Farms from Target does an amazing job with their NY style cheesecake and I highly recommend it to you all. This truly rivals the very best.
Silky smooth rich cheesecake with the right amount of savoriness and a killer graham crust.
If the cheesecake at Artisanal were an A+, the one at Target is a solid A. No Joke.
Artisanal : A+
Juniors : A
Archer Farms (Target) : A
Eli's Cheesecake : B
Lindy's : B-
Cheesecake Factory : B+
I'm not even a big fan of cheesecake, I don't care for the texture of it in my mouth, but this cheesecake from Archer Farms is awesome, it's not like any other cheesecake I've tasted, has a rich and creamy consistency, very flavorful great with whipped topping or plain it's really delicious! "good job" A.F. and Target.
It is simply the best, I work as an insider and will try to find out who makes it for them.
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