Friday, December 12, 2008

Food Glorious Food

Food is everywhere: magazines, advertisements, podcasts, websites and TV shows. Some of these media serve to instruct or distract or both. In the land of plenty, food is both nourishment for the body and fodder for the mind. For many Dudes who love foods, food culture has become something else – something more primal that fires neurons in the brain between pleasure and curiosity; Food Porn, a feast for the eyes.

It is commonplace to talk about the obvious aspects of food: how did it taste, what aromas were wafting from the plate, how did it feel on the palate? The patience to take a second and drink in the colors, shapes and textures on the plate will be duly rewarded with a fresh appreciation of the foods we love.

Two great places to start exploring on the web are the blogs Playing With Fire and Water and Ideas in Food. These two havens for the foodie’s visual fix are packed with amazing photos and great articles from three people who are keeping the tradition of playing with food alive… go on Dudes, it’s OK to look.

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