Thursday, August 13, 2009

Breakfast is important

Just about in any culture, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day.

For as many years as I can remember, I've never really woken up early enough to make myself a good square meal. I'm never really that hungry in the morning (probably because I ate like a king the night before) and frankly, I'd rather get that extra 30 minutes of sleep.

But this trip to Japan has made me a believer in starting your day right with a good healthy meal.

I'm staying at my wife's home in Kumamoto this week, and every morning her mother and grandmother prepare one of the nicest heart warming meals I have ever had.
Breakfast usually consists of Carrots, Cucumbers, Eggs, Sausages or Fish, Miso Soup, Natto, Mentaiko, Uni, and a bowl of Rice.

1 comment:

Aramis said...

Unbelievable jealous.