Well, be honest, I love them in a Stew, or Baked, or Steamed as well, but for all intensive purposes, this post will focus on my love for them raw.
And there's only been 2 places I've been to that have really brought that game to a different level.
Elliott's in Seattle, and Eastern Standard in Boston.
These two places have nearly made me weep when sucking down their amazingly fresh bivalves.
And now, a third.

16,rue Saussier-Leroy
Paris, France
A complete treat in itself. And to be in walking distance to my favorite monument on earth was a traveling plus.
They had a variety of oysters I've never experienced, including the coveted Belon.
All amazingly fresh and delicious in their own ways.
I hold 3 key elements to be the tenets of serving raw oysters.
1. The quality of the waters. The temperature and the purity of the oyster bed.

2. Logistical haste. It must be served less than 8 hours from harvest.
I refuse to believe we aren't able to get the very best here in NYC. But it's a fact. Geography is geography, and it will take a longer time for oysters harvested in the best beds of Cape Cod or Washington for that matter to reach the purveyors in NYC, then the extra leg to the restaurants themselves. It's best when you have the best farmers selling their goods to the restaurants direct.
3. The shucking. If you don't know what you are doing, all is lost in the hands of a neophyte.

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