Friday, January 29, 2010

db Bistro Moderne

db Bistro - Recommended (for THE Burger)
55 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

If you've never had THE burger at db Bistro, it's worth going to have at least once in your life. (But that's about it for the place)
The burger is a thick meatloaf-esque number with braised beef short ribs and foie gras encrusted with ground beef sirloin and sandwiched in buttery parmesan brioche bread.
All in all, it's a pretty good way to get heart disease. That and a cigar a day will get you there real quick.

I wanted to show a guest from Japan around the NY circuit of restaurants and thought 'db' was a good spot to start off. Sure, the place was packed and guests were all decked out either celebrating birthdays or the usual two top, cheese-dick trying to impress his really hot date.

Putting those factors aside, I wanted the food to speak for itself, but for some reason, I felt the place was flat and wasn't up to date with it's food.
Perhaps I'm a little too critical these days, and I should respect the classics, but I couldn't help but wonder why the flavors of db Bistro were so "passe".

I'll probably never go there again. It's not fun, nor should it be a place to impress a date. Everything about the joint wreaked of the late 90's early 2000 and really brought my energy level down a couple notches.

But I will say, if you want a "Burger Experience", that's the one thing they still got.

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