2699 Mission Street(between 22nd St & 23rd St)
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 285-9833
Watch the first 1:40 of this video:
Here I am in Washington, D.C. and memories of where I was less than a week ago are making me smile. As 30 inches of snow come down right now and blanket the area, I’m reviewing pictures of sunny California. One of the places I visited when I was in San Francisco is by recommendation of my hero, Anthony Bourdain: That’s It. I wasn’t going to go there, but Yelp had a lot of good reviews on this monstrous torta. (A torta is a Mexican sandwich where the
When I walked in, immediately the sounds of Arabic language in a high-pitched transistor radio-type speaker emits from the TV above the entrance where the person that runs the store is watching. The very small counter on the right with an even smaller grill is ready to cook this behemoth. There was an Asian man at the counter already devouring the famed Cubana. He was so into it that he didn’t realize he had a bunch of it stuck to his face. I order my sandwich and watch as Isabela throws ingredient after ingredient on the grill. “Is ALL of this going into my sandwich, or did someone place a carry-out order?” As she builds my sandwich, oh yeah, she makes everything fit. What’s in That’s It’s Cubana torta? We’re talking:
bistek milanesa (breaded steak)
2 eggs
hot dog
Mexican cheese
sour cream
She sets it on a plate and sets it on front of me with a smile. The counter has hot sauce and some napkins with a sign, in San Franciscan style that reads, “Remember, napkins come from trees.” The torta is already cut in half, and I dig in. What I thought was just a novelty actually works.
If interested, watch more of Anthony Bourdain at That’s It here, but forward to 7:45:
Looks awesome. Was Isabella a man or a woman?!
LMAO! She is female and Peruvian. Then again, that was San Francisco! =]
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