Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oya (Boston)

Oya Restaurant - (B rating)
9 East Street
Boston, MA 02111

I've been here a few times now and every time it gets a little better and better. 
I have to admit I was not a very big fan in the beginning.  When they first opened, I was more of a hater.  I found a ton of their dishes were copies of other famous dishes around the world and to me, that was kind of pointless.  Let alone paying upwards of $200 a person, it wasn't right serving unoriginal dishes and charging so much.

But over the years, having come back (sometimes un-reluctantly I might add), Oya has grown on me and their food seems to have grown a noticeable style.
Although there are still a few dishes that clearly are rip offs of other famous chefs, I have come to appreciate a few originals there and in a way, their food has taken on an Oya feel. 

Food - (B+) Solid. But just too damn unoriginal. 
Ambiance - (A-) Cozy
Service - (A) Very attentive
Price - (C-) Just out of wack from a NYer's point of view. 

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