Sidenote - I was in Manhattan with Porthos whose "thing" is fried chicken. He opened my eyes to fried chicken at Asian places. He was sooooo right. In fact, the best fried chicken I ever had was in Thailand at a Khantoke dinner theatre watching gorgeous wimmins dancing in their fitted silk clothing doing fingernail dancing. (Maybe that's why the food tasted better? :-) )
Anyway, spicy fried chicken nuggets with steamed rice and an egg roll accompanied my chocolate bubble tea at this Taiwanese place is nice. As I told the lady there: "Wo hen xi huan. Hao chi ye hao he!" (I really like the food. Delicious food and drink!) She enjoyed that the "lao wai" (foreigner) could kick a little Mandarin.
Dirty Knees? As in: "Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, LOOK AT THESE..." ??
"lao wai"... LOL, Priceless!
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