Monday, October 11, 2010

Thai Green Curry

I’ve been dabbling in making Thai food recently, and here is an easy and authentic dish to make. It’s quite good, and those you serve it to will wonder what place you ordered carry-out from. I’ll describe how to make it, but the amounts of each ingredient are guesstimates. So here we go…

2 cups coconut milk
1 T green curry paste
Veggie(s) (I used 2 carrots – more common would be bamboo shoots, Thai eggplant)
1 cup cubed beef
1 cup cubed chicken (shrimp is good, too)
½ cube chicken or beef bouillon
1 t sugar
Couple handfuls of Thai basil
Some water

Put about 1 cup coconut milk in a pot, and boil.
Add the green curry paste, and mix it into the milk.
Add the meat, mix, and let it simmer until the meat is cooked.
Add about a cup of water, the bouillon cube, and boil.
Add sugar and veggies, and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add Thai basil to the pot, and fold it into the rest of the food (similiar to Vietnamese phở). Remove from heat.
Right before serving, add some more coconut milk for taste and creaminess.
Serve with rice, preferably Thai jasmine rice.


Thai Phoon said...

did you feel "green" after eating this?

Athos said...

the dish is quite "arroy" as the Thais say for "delicious." I owuld imagine those who read this and wanted some were green with envy, though. :-)

Hanuman said...

In early days, the green curry sauce was reddish because they used dry red chilies, and the dish was named green-curry because of the green vegetables used.... now a days the paste itself is also green, but to remain true to the spirit of the dish only green vegetables are to be used... no carrots pls ;-))